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What we’re about

Authentic Relating Los Angeles is for people who want to create more authentic, intimate relationships in their lives - and have fun doing it! We are a 501(c)(3) dedicated to creating authentic community and vibrant connections in the Los Angeles metro area.

Have you ever had a conversation with someone and found yourself hanging on their every word? Heart wide open, your eyes filled with tears, and the goofiest smile ever on your face? Inspired by the work of Authentic World in San Francisco, our Authentic Relating Games Nights and Circling events are designed to give you that experience, often times with people you've never even met before. We host events that help you connect more deeply with yourself & others, while creating a space where you can discover how much richer and more thrilling it can be to speak the moment, share impact with each other, be truly seen, and more than anything to just BE YOURSELF.

Our events are a chance to take your relating much deeper...beyond the mere “data exchanges", and will give you tools to take out into the world to create more rewarding interactions with everyone in your life.
All are welcome, and we look forward to connecting with you!

“ In order for connection to happen, we have to allow ourselves to be seen. Really seen." Dr. Brené Brown

Upcoming events (2)

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